Sports Hightlights

These high-school sports photos were taken over several seasons in Sammamish, WA and are organized by sport. There are three local Sammamish high-schools that are represented: Skyline, Eastlake, and Eastside Catholic, with several sports from each school. Each portfolio contains several photos that highlight that sport.

If you wish to view the seasonal sports (i.e. the weekly games at the Sammamish high-schools), you can find them here: 2024-2045 High School Games

If you want to see photos from the Eastlake High School Marching Band, you can find them here: 2024-2025-Eastlake Marching Band

If you want to see photos from the Eastlake High School Marching Band, you can find them here: 2024-2025-Skyline Marching Band

If you want to see more high-quality high-school sports photos done by professionals, check out this site: